About Nina

It’s actually Christina, but everyone calls me Nina. (Christina is way too formal for my personality.)

I’m 30 and I have the pleasure of living in Saint Paul with the three loves of my life: Andrew and our dogs, Olive Adventure & Watson Everest. (Yeah, I know – whitest, hipsterest names ever). I’m an introvert, an idealist, and a harmony-seeker. I am a passionate consumer of telly and film. I’m sarcastic as all hell and a total nerd. A fatally eternal optimist and a completely hopeless romantic.

I have a BA in psychology and an MA in media psychology. It is the perfect marriage of my BA and my minor/passion for film studies/all things media. If I can remember correctly, a light shone down from the heavens when I discovered the subject.

My wonderful friend and I have a film production company called Far From Everything Films, LLC. We have a couple scripts in the works for the next year, as well as external films to produce. I’m incredibly excited.

Because I can’t go a conversation without mentioning anything English, I will say that I have a very large crush on London. I met the city in Christmas of 2012 and quickly fell in love. I then spent three months there summer of 2013. It was a tearful goodbye after so long, but I knew I had to go. I can do long-distance. I attempted to go back for a visit in October of 2013, but we seemed to have hit an unexpected rough patch. For now, I’m giving London her space and hopefully we can have a friendship in the future. I’m happily with Andrew, Olive, Watson, and Saint Paul now.

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