Being Thanked at The Oscars

So, two Academy Award winners personally thanked me in their speeches tonight.

Okay, not personally.

And, not me.

NEVERTHELESS, two Academy Award winners thanked a Nina in their speeches tonight.

For someone who never hears her name on television, except that bitch on 24, and it was pleasing to hear it from the lips of Kiefer Sutherland, tonight was a big win for me.


Tonight comes very close to another occasion that is very near and dear to my heart, the 2012 London Olympics, in which I swam.

Okay, not me.

NEVERTHELESS, a Friis swam in the 2012 London Olympics and you better believe that the announcers said it a few times… and pronounced it correctly.

Mm, sorry, I’m starting to get emotional. And here comes the film score, playing me off.

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